04.12.2024 MOJE PSYCHOLOGIE Tip for the exhibition by Jakub Špaňhel in the magazine Moje Psychologie.
29.11.2024 ČT24 Report on the exhibition by Jakub Špaňhel with the curator and artist on Czech Television.
29.11.2024 REPORTÉR Interview by Tomáš Poláček with painter Jakub Špaňhel about the exhibition Venesia.
21.11.2024 REFLEX Marek Gregor's column on Trafo Gallery's win in the Gallery of the Year 2023 nomination at the ČAVU…
30.10.2024 MAGAZÍN HROT An article about Kateřina Ondrušková's work and an invitation to her upcoming exhibition at Trafo…
08.10.2024 FEEDIT A tip for the Signal festival program, including outdoor installations at Trafo Gallery.
07.08.2024 MOJE PSCHOLOGIE Tip for the exhibition Archipelago of Attention in the magazine Moje Psychologie.
01.08.2024 REFLEX Tip for the exhibition The Archipelago of Attention in the Cultural Mixer section of the weekly…
24.07.2024 ČESKÝ ROZHLAS An interview with Jan Kudrna, the curator of the Archipelago of Attention exhibition, on Czech…
05.06.2024 MOJE PSYCHOLOGIE Tip for Jaroslav Róna's exhibition: Explorer in the magazine Moje Psychologie.
01.06.2024 MAGAZÍN HROT Interview with Trafo Gallery director Blanka Čermáková, production Lucie Kropáčová and media &…
31.05.2024 PÁTEK LIDOVÝCH NOVIN An extensive interview of Olga Myslivečková with the artist Jaroslav Róna.
21.05.2024 ARTZÓNA An extensive report from Jaroslav Róna's exhibition on Czech television in the Artzóna program.
15.05.2024 NOVINKY.CZ Syvla Svobodová's article about the exhibition Explorer by the artist Jaroslav Róna.
05.05.2024 ČT UDÁLOSTI V KULTUŘE Report from the exhibitions of Jaroslav Rona in events in culture on Czech Television.
02.05.2024 FORBES An interview for the exhibition of Jaroslav Róna with artist and curator Barbora Půtová.
30.04.2024 PRÁVO STYL PRO ŽENY Article about Veronika Holcová's exhibition in the Styl pro ženy magazine.
14.02.2024 AKTUÁLNĚ.CZ Interview of Ondřej Horák with the author of the Winter Apples exhibition, Ester Knapová.
18.01.2024 ČT UDÁLOSTI V KULTUŘE Report from Ester Knapová's exhibition at Events in the Culture of CT.
14.12.2023 REFLEX Tip for the Černických exhibition: Two decimal points in the middle of the sentence.
16.07.2023 RESPEKT Tip for the Anima Materia group sculpture exhibition in the Exhibition of the Week section
22.05.2023 CT EVENTS IN CULTURE Report on Ivan Pinkava's photo exhibition: Full Moon the Eye at Trafo Gallery
22.04.2023 FORBES Eva Slunečková's tip on Pavel Dušek's book for the In the House exhibition published by Trafo…
02.01.2023 RESPEKT Tip for Jakub Nepraš's Exhibition of the Week: Digital Endemics in the Culture Mix section
25.07.2022 RESPEKT Tip for František Matoušek's Exhibition of the Week: Jeans, Scissors and Spray in the Culture Mix…
30.05.2022 RESPEKT Tip for Zbyňek Sedlecký's Exhibition of the Week: Propman in the Culture Mix section
18.02.2022 PÁTEK LIDOVÝCH NOVIN An interview with painter Laura Limbourg about her Belgian roots, travels in Asia and flying
02.02.2022 ESPRIT LN An article about the work of the young artist Laura Limbourg and the themes of her painting
30.01.2022 CT EVENTS IN CULTURE Report on Laura Limbourg's exhibition in Events in the Culture of the CT
17.01.2022 RESPEKT Tip for Laura Limbourg's Exhibition of the Week: Hump In Honey in the Culture Mix section