Group exhibition – Anima Materia

Marek Škubal (*1986) is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (2006–2012, sculpture, prof. Jindřich Zeithamml; 2010, printmaking, prof. Jiří Lindovský; postgraduate studies: 2014–2020, drawing, prof. Jiří Petrbok) and spent 2011 attending the Taipei National University of the Arts (Taipei, Taiwan). He is known as a remarkable sculptor whose distinctive imagination has introduced new and unusual subjects onto the Czech art scene. While still a student, he began creating objects and sculptures depicting extremely enlarged forms from the insect kingdom, an area from which he continues to draw significant knowledge and inspiration, which he innovatively combines with European and Asian spiritual traditions. Škubal also explores these themes in reliefs, working with a variety of materials from wood and stone to blown glass and lightboxes. In 2018, Trafo Gallery published a book on his work titled The God of Repulsive Things.