Zdeněk Trs: Earthshine

Accompanying publication to the exhibition of the artist Zdeněk Trs to the exhibition Earthshine at Trafo Gallery.
This time, Zdeněk Trs focuses his attention on the abstract of all abstracts – the cosmos. At the same time, it relies on a strict geometric construction, representing the basic mathematical and physical relationships between individual entities. Without it, it would be an unsolvable problem, a mere haphazard jumble of relationships and variables, a chaos of expression and self-projection. This is also how the cosmos gets its name – it is beautiful in its entirety, but remains essentially human to everyone. It is, after all, a picture, a painting, what we are dealing with, the highest manifestation of human creativity - and at the same time proof of its fragility.
Curator: Barbora Kundračíková
Bilingual publication with texts by Kenneth G. Hay, Barbora Kundračíková and Miroslav Petříček.
Catalog concept: Barbora Kundračíková, Pavel Tichoň, Zdeněk Trs
Photo: Studio 4MAT - Michal Linhart, Tomáš Rasl, Zdeněk Trs
Translations: Irma Charvátová
Proofreading: Tereza Kunešová, Tereza Hubáčková
Graphic design: Pavel Tichoň
Production: Blanka Čermáková
Printing: Tiskárna Helbich, a.s.
Load: 400 pcs
Published by Spolek Trafačka, Prague, 2019
ISBN 978-80-907418-3-6