Silvia Krivošíková: Die Kraft

Accompanying publication to the exhibition of Silvia Krivošíková at Trafo Gallery.
Trafo Gallery has prepared a solo exhibition of the Slovak author living in Vienna, Silvia Krivošíková (*1976), whose paintings have a special, magical charm. They break free from the linearity of inexorable time, and elevate even the most banal moments of everyday life into smaller or larger miracles. The title of the exhibition Die Kraft then refers to strength, energy, the drive to act and survive, which models the path of self-direction. The basis of this "power" is the ability, determination and will to act.
Lyrics by Petr Vaňous
Graphic design by Jana Vahalíková
Production by Blanka Čermáková, Lucie Kropáčová, Šárka Samková
Photo of the exhibition by Jakub Hauskrecht
Translation Phil Jones
Text proofs Tereza Hubáčková
Print Tiskárna Helbich, Brno
Number of copies 250 pcs
Published by Spolek Trafačka as its 39th publication.
ISBN 978-80-908604-1-4
Number of pages: 65