Ivan Pinkava: Full Moon In the Eye

Bilingual publication for the occasion of the exhibition of the photographer Ivan Pinkava: Full Moon In the Eye.
A body with its own eyes. Or perhaps the eyes and their body? It is difficult to decide which of these two definitions of the nature of human perception better corresponds to the basic principles of Ivan Pinkava's work. In any case, it is clear that both are central to his work. And not just as one of the basic motifs depicted in his photographs, but above all as a starting point for reflections on the nature and possibilities of human existence in the world, as a means of investigating phenomena that far exceed man and his physicality.
The search for what the body, face and eyes actually mean for Pinkava, in what constellations everything appears in his work, what it means for him to look at the body and look through the body and, after all, the question of who and on what basis he looks is a leitmotif exhibition that he prepared together with the curator Pavel Dvořák for the Trafo Gallery. Most of the images that will appear in the exhibition are a selection of works from recent years, the content of which is supplemented by a number of older, sometimes unexhibited photographs.
Texts, Interview: Pavel Dvořák
Graphic design: Jana Vahalíková, Studio Marvil
Production: Blanka Čermáková, Lucie Kropáčová, Šárka Samková
Photography: Ivan Pinkava
Photodocumentation of the exhibition: Ivan Pinkava, Tomáš Rasl
Translation: Phil Jones
Text: Proofs Tereza Hubáčková
Photography: editing Radek Typovský, Studio Marvil
Paper: Symbol Tatami White (Fedrigoni), Surbalin Glatt (Peyer)
Print: Tiskárna Helbich, Brno
Print run: 450 ks
ISBN 978-80-908604-4-3-8
The book was published with the support of Tiskárna Helbich.